Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors takes a look at the biggest financial scandal in post-war Germany from a variety of angles. In this ‘Know When To Hold ‘Em, Part 2’ Episode, she continues her exploration of those persons, entities and governments who have been damaged, some beyond repair, by Wirecard and the nuclear fallout from its scandal. Some of the highlights include:
- Lithuania – Gateway to Fintech
- Kalixia and PXP get passed around
- Banking Bwin
- Americans love PartyGaming
- Golden Tickets to Wonkaland
- Senjo Again?!
- Paradise Papers Name & Shame in 2017
- Big Money
- Online Goes Dark
- WC execs fly the nest but don’t leave the flock
- Going Full Tilt
- Banker & Processor to the Top Three
- Shalon Competes and Colludes
- Action Day
- Its Not Such a Rich Field…