The Wirecard Saga, has become of the world’s leading sources on all things Wirecard. In Lies, Spies & Corporate Crimes: The Wirecard Saga; Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity at Affiliated Monitors looks at the biggest financial scandal in post-war Germany from a variety of angles. In this Episode 2 of Season 2, The Vagabond Rapping At Your Door, she continues her exploration of those persons, entities and governments who have been damaged, some beyond repair, by Wirecard and the nuclear fallout from its scandal.
Some of the highlights include:
- Braun’s Christmas in the clink
- Braun admits to fraud
- TPAs were always a mirage
- Shopping at Toys R Us
- Jaffe blames everyone
- 40,000 peeved and aggrieved
- Austrian court says fire away
- Achleitner manages expectations
- Early Wirecard investor also owns Braun
- Damning report uneasy read for EY
- German higher court says try again
- EY Law counsels audit client