Join us Wednesday, May 19th for this no-cost Zoom webinar with Sami Azhari and Vin DiCianni.
When the federal government in 2020 earmarked more than $500 billion for business loans to be distributed through the Paycheck Protection Program (now over $900 billion in all), it was only a matter of time before some of those loans would lead to criminal investigations and prosecutions. By December, 57 people had been charged with defrauding the PPP program, and a handful of decisions have since been published. That trickle of cases is expected to become a tsunami. Federal investigations into PPP fraud entail both criminal exposure and compliance-related issues for businesses. This fast-moving and dynamic program will focus on the risks associated with PPP matters inside and outside of the courtroom.
Attendees will learn:
• Types of PPP loan fraud charges that have been brought so far.
• Compliance-related issues that arise in connection with these loans.
• Kinds of cases likely to be brought in the future.
• The most relevant defenses.
• The single most common mistake to avoid if contacted by the Department of Justice.