Deann Conroy
Compliance Solutions Manager
Des Moines, IA
Deann Conroy, J.D., is a Compliance Solutions Manager for Affiliated Monitors who joined AMI in 2016 after a fulfilling career as a state and federal government lawyer. She is an attorney, thought leader, and educator with over 30 years of experience in healthcare legal issues.
Ms. Conroy has managed the monitorships of many healthcare providers for AMI, often serving as a liaison between the regulatory agency, the licensed healthcare provider, and the monitor. Her knowledge of state and federal processes and of healthcare systems allows her to communicate clearly and effectively with all parties, and to translate expectations into actionable, measurable steps. Ms. Conroy’s work at AMI will continue to involve MDs in many specialties, as well as osteopaths, chiropractors, dentists, and physical therapists. In addition, Ms. Conroy serves as a corporate monitor . . . View Full Bio
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