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Jesse Caplan to Attend the 2022 ABA Antitrust in Healthcare Conference - June 2-3 - Washington, DC

Leading government enforcers, economists, and plaintiff and defense counsel will come together to share their insights and offer practical advice and policy recommendations on the Biden Executive Order’s effect on government enforcement, increased private litigation, and other timely issues during the American Bar Association’s Antitrust in Healthcare Conference, June 2-3, 2022, in Arlington, VA.

The Antitrust in Healthcare Conference continues a rich tradition with this jointly sponsored program from the Antitrust Law and Health Law Sections. Healthcare providers, insurers, and pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers continue to be in the antitrust spotlight. Recently, federal and state enforcers have filed multiple suits challenging the mergers and business conduct of a wide variety of healthcare entities and their executives. These actions and private antitrust litigation have targeted contracts, pricing, mergers, protection of data, and other potentially anti-competitive activities. The ABA’s expert faculty of leading government attorneys, private counsel representing both plaintiffs and defendants, international enforcers, and economists will provide practical advice, insights, and policy recommendations. Please join us to receive the most timely and significant information on key antitrust issues affecting the healthcare industry.


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