Every year, nearly 1,500 health law professionals join AHLA at its Annual Meeting to get the most current information and analysis on a myriad of legal issues facing the health care industry in thoughtful, practical solution-oriented sessions . This year is, of course, no different than any other in that regard.
The difference is, this year, we won’t be gathering together in-person to attend the programs as so many of us do each year. The unfortunate reality of the COVID-19 crisis makes an in-person meeting of this size untenable at this time, so AHLA has decided to convert the In-House Counsel Program and Annual Meeting to virtual programs.
View the full schedule.
We have included all the high-quality, practical breakout sessions you have come to expect – Keynote Speakers, the fast-paced overview of developments over the past year from the Year in Review, and coverage of all the TOPICS important to health law professionals. We have also included some of the fun you expect – face to face interaction with your colleagues during our Coffee and Conversations, exercise classes, and receptions – all done through Zoom. We are excited to bring you this program virtually and we know you will enjoy the experience and find it worth your time.