Mikhail Reider-Gordon, AMI’s Managing Director of Institutional Ethics & Integrity is back with another episode of her podcast, The Wirecard Saga. She uses her expertise to look at the biggest financial scandal in post-war Germany from a variety of angles. In this ‘Perpetual Motion Machine, Part 1 episode, Mikhail continues her exploration of those persons, entities and governments who have been damaged, some beyond repair, by Wirecard and the nuclear fallout from its scandal. Some of the highlights include:
- Wulf Matthias has friends ‘round
- Loetscher wants his personality forgotten
- Braun plays hide and seek
- Nikki Air just isn’t good enough
- Creditors first round win in Austrian courts
- Prosecuting is so much work
- 20 defendants to go
- Not enough time for Schellenbacher
- Schellenbacher, Ukrainian oligarchs, Meinl Bank and Marsalek
- Meinl, Weinzierl and Russia
- Julius Meinl, Cinq
- Meinl and the Binary Options Gang
- Schellenbacher, the Austrian node