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Tom Fox interviews Vin DiCianni and Eric Feldman for a five-part podcast series on corporate monitorships – Day 2

By 04/04/2018October 4th, 2018Archive, Eric Feldman Event, Vin DiCianni Event

Listen to the episode on Tom Fox’s website HERE or read more and listen below.

“There are a number of applications and uses of an independent, credible third-party to facilitate the resolution of disputes. There are different ways having a third party come in and help to resolve issues; the number of ways is almost infinite or at the very least, limited to your imagination.  Often a monitor could come in collect information on what one or both of the parties are doing to help facilitate a settlement. Feldman discussed matters such as consumer protection issues. He noted that AMI has done monitorships where state agencies have done investigations of consumer protection and AMI would come in as a “secret shopper” to determine whether an organization is in fact doing what it is supposed to be doing.

The bottom line is that there is certainly no finite number of categories for the post-resolution monitorship. They can be utilized in a wide variety of ways to help facilitate not only resolution of enforcement actions but to satisfy compliance with a wider variety of cares, concerns and issues.”


For our BINGE PODCAST LISTENERS… if you can’t get enough of Thomas Fox‘s 5 part monitor series, please follow the link below to iTunes and listen to all 5 back to back to back!