RocaJunyent and Affiliated Monitors create a strategic alliance to provide assessment services of compliance programs to companies for all businesses.
• The methodology provides an experienced, professional and objective evaluation of compliance programs, issues related to business ethics and compliance, internal processes and controls.
• The joint team of RJ and AMI has been successfully used by more than 850 companies and businesses.
• This alliance seeks to offer RJ clients a differentiated service in the analysis of their compliance programs, which is a fundamental element within the increasingly relevant role of ESG criteria.
Barcelona/Boston, November 29, 2021.- RocaJunyent (RJ) one of Spain’s leading business law firms has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with Affiliated Monitors, Inc. (AMI) the USA’s premier independent compliance monitoring/evaluation company.
Based on the complementary experience of RocaJunyent in working with businesses in Spain and outside of the country, and AMI’s deep international experience in working with a company’s compliance program and ethical culture, we know that by taking a pro-active approach to developing, implementing, training and supervising compliance programs in all business sectors, effective compliance programs become an important part of corporate governance. Having a program that meets regulatory and best practice standards should be a recognized asset of any company.
Within the growing interest in the early adoption of regulatory compliance manuals in all types of organizations – following the repeated notices that come to us from the Second Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court – the RJ and AMI alliance brings the expertise of AMI, a company that has vast experience and a proven methodology in the provision of these services, thanks to the knowledge acquired in its almost twenty years in the North American, Spanish, and international markets in performing these types of evaluations.
Working with trusted experts takes compliance to the next level, based on integrity and independence in the examination and evaluation of compliance programs which look at a variety of corporate governance, controls and processes, to strengthen the ethical culture and regulatory compliance in companies. RJ and AMI are excited to offer our services to companies in Spain, Portugal and throughout Europe.
For more information:
Vincent L. DiCianni
President of Affiliated Monitors, lnc.
Phone: +01 866-201-0901
lñigo Cisneros
Compliance Practice Lawyer of RocaJunyent, S.L.P.
Phone: +34 628989526
About Roca Junyent
Founded 25 years ago, Roca Junyent is one of the leading law firms in the Spanish market that provides high value-added legal services advising Spanish companies, mainly in the development of their businesses in Spain and, as well, in the development of their businesses abroad.
It is a transversal law firm that offers innovative legal solutions in the areas of legal and sectoral practice, always with the aim of facing the accelerated social and technological changes in which today’s society is immersed.
The Best Workplaces Legal 2021 ranking places Roca Junyent as one of the best law firms to work for, based on the perception of its team of professionals, the good practices implemented and the organizational culture policies.
Roca Junyent is the exclusive partner in Spain of the international network TerraLex, a network of 160 leading firms around the world, with 19,000 lawyers guaranteeing clients a first-class service anywhere in the world, and with the best lawyers, solving all those questions that may arise for the client regardless of distance and location.
About Affiliated Monitors, Inc
Founded in 2004, Affiliated Monitors, Inc. was one the first companies in the United States to focus on providing top-quality, independent integrity monitoring and compliance services across a wide range of regulated industries and professions. What distinguishes AMI professionals from others is that monitoring and compliance assessments are their only business, not a sideline to some other professional practice or service.
AMI has been the corporate integrity monitor in more than 850 matters, involving large multi-national companies and individual practitioners. AMI maintains its neutrality, free from the conflicts of interest and undue influence which can arise in certain personal or business relationships.
AMI provides two types of services:
• Independent supervision services at international level and across the United States with the United States Department of Justice, World Bank, and other agencies.
• Evaluation of business ethics and compliance programs of companies, comparing them to government regulations, guidelines, and industry practices in a variety of fields (such as utilities, financial services, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare health, construction, transportation, retail and trade).
AMI provides integrity to the monitoring process to help companies strengthen their ethical cultures and compliance activities and demonstrate their due diligence to governmental agencies. Its methodology provides objective third-party perspectives on ethics and compliance programs, ethical cultures, internal processes, and controls.