Lawyers in the Crosshairs! Legal Due Diligence and Navigating the Legal, Ethical & Practical Impact of Recent US & Foreign Beneficial Ownership Transparency Laws to Combat Corruption and Tax Evasion (Ethics CLE Credit)
Recent events, including the war in Ukraine and the Pandora Papers focused attention, once again, on the role of some lawyers in creating structures that mask beneficial ownership and facilitate sanctions evasion, corruption, tax evasion and human rights abuses. What are a lawyer’s ethical-, due diligence and reporting- obligations, and what is the potential liability under the 2020 US Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) as well as foreign laws mandating beneficial ownership disclosure? How do they factor into proposed reforms to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct? Panelists will discuss the rapidly changing transparency landscape under current law, proposed legislation and revisions to the Model Rules. Join this timely discussion of lawyers’ legal, ethical and professional obligations, potential liability and compliance practice tips.
John Coogan, Principal, John Regis Coogan Law Office PLLC, Washington, DC
Mikhail Reider-Gordon, Managing Director, International Ethics & Integrity, Affiliated Monitors, Los Angeles
Jonathan Rusch, Co-Director & Adjunct Professor, AUWCL Anti-Corruption Law Program, Washington, DC
Irma Russell, Edward A. Smith/Missouri Chair, UMKC School of Law, Kansas City