Julia Manwelyan
Principal Database Architect and Developer
Boston, MA
As the Principal Database Architect and Developer, Julia Manweylan provides Affiliated Monitors, Inc. (AMI) with the expertise to create, manage, and analyze data sets. Utilizing her 20 years of experience in database design and data management, she is positioned to provide AMI with comprehensive data structures for analysis and business comprehension with a focus on data integrity and security issues.
Prior to joining AMI in 2017, Ms. Manwelyan worked as a software engineer in the educational, financial, and medical fields. She created databases to gather information from both internal and external sources. She worked as a Senior Software Engineer for companies such as Pearson Education Inc., State Street Bank, and Fidelity Investments. As Pearson’s Data Warehouse Architect and Developer, she designed and implemented processes to help inform data analysts and upper management. At State Street Bank, Ms. Manwelyan worked as their Application Developer Consultant and was involved in development, enhancements, and maintenance of their online customer delivery platforms. As a member of the Oracle Advance Benefits implementation group for Fidelity Investments, she converted data into . . . View Full Bio