via Tom Fox at
I am pleased to announce a two-day Compliance Master Class, which is unlike any other class currently being offered. It will be held in Boston, June 11 & 12, 2019. This Compliance Master Class is not theory or analytical underpinnings of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), it focuses on the operationalizing of compliance. For it is only in the doing of compliance that companies have a real chance of avoiding FCPA liability.
The Compliance Master Class provides a unique opportunity for any level of FCPA compliance practitioner, from the seasoned Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) to the practitioner who is new to the compliance profession. If you are looking for a training class to turbocharge your knowledge on the nuts and bolts of a best practices compliance program going forward, this is the class for you to attend. You will have an intensive focus group of like-minded compliance practitioners with which you can share best practices. It allows us to tailor the discussion to your needs.
As one of the leading commentators in the compliance space for several years, I will bring a unique insight of what many companies have done right and many have not done so well over the years. This professional experience has enabled me to put together a unique educational opportunity for any person interested in anti-corruption compliance. Simply stated, there is no other compliance training on the market quite like it. Armed with this information, at the conclusion of the Compliance Master Class, you will be able to implement or enhance your compliance program, with many ideas at little or no cost.
The Compliance Master Class will move from the theory of the FCPA into the doing of compliance and how you must document this work to create a best practices compliance program. Building from the Ten Hallmarks of an Effective Compliance, the questions posed from the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs and the information from the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy as a guide, you will learn the intricacies of risk assessments; what should be included in your policies and procedures; the five-step life cycle of third party risk evaluation and management; tone throughout your organization; training and using other corporate functions to facilitate cost-effective compliance programs.
Highlights will include:
- Understanding the underlying legal basis for the law, what is required for a violation and how that information should be baked into your compliance program;
- What are the best practices of an effective compliance program;
- Why internal controls are the compliance practitioners best friend;
- How you can use transaction monitoring to not only make your compliance program more robust but as a self-funding mechanism;
- Your ethical requirements as a compliance practitioner;
- How to document what you have accomplished;
- Risk assessments – what they are and how you can perform one each year.
You will be able to walk away from the Compliance Master Class with a clear understanding of what anti-corruption compliance is and what it requires; an overview of international corruption initiatives and how they all relate to FCPA compliance; how to deal with third parties, from initial introduction through contracting and managing the relationship, what should be included in your gifts, travel, entertainment and hospitality policies; the conundrum of facilitation payments; charitable donations and political contributions, and trends in compliance. You will also learn about the importance of internal controls and how to meet the strict liability burden present around this requirement of FCPA compliance.
The Compliance Master Class will be based around my latest book, The Compliance Handbook, which focuses on the creation, implementation and enhancement of a best practices compliance program.
June 11 & 12, 2019
Ferriter Scobbo & Rodophele PC
125 High Street, Suite 2611
Boston MA 02110.
A Certificate of Completion will be provided to all who attend in addition to the continuing learning education (CLE) credits for each state that has reciprocity with Texas. In Texas, CLE for 10.5 hours has been approved. The cost to attend is $1,495 per person. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided both days. For more information, a copy of the agenda or to register, visit my website, FCPA Compliance Report.