This year’s NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference will be held in Washington, D.C. at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel from May 20-22, 2019. The agenda aims to address pressing and relevant issues specific to your role in consumer protection. On Monday, May 20 from 11:45 a.m. until 7:30 p.m., the private, nonprofit, and government sectors are invited to attend the public portion of the conference. This will include a panel of attorneys general, as well as sessions on privacy and data, cryptocurrencies, and telecom issues. There will also be an open-mic discussion of private sector issues.
The 2019 NAAG Consumer Protection Spring Conference is coordinated by the NAGTRI Center for Consumer Protection, whose mission is to assist and enable state and territory attorneys general in protecting the public in the areas of consumer protection and charitable asset and entity oversight by providing information, technical assistance, and support; facilitating cooperation among attorney general staff through open dialogue and advanced communication systems; planning, organizing, and conducting training and seminars for the exchange of ideas and information on relevant matters; and promoting the development of effective programs and education for the protection of the public. Please check out the Center’s new consumer-facing website at