Affiliated Monitors provides solutions for government contractors who may be faced with government sanctions, such as suspension or debarment, by working with government agencies and the companies and professionals they license and regulate. The federal government, and many state agencies, use independent monitoring as an alternative resolution to contract compliance and ethics matters to help avoid more severe sanctions and allow continued government contracting with oversight by qualified, independent monitoring professionals.
When Affiliated Monitors is selected as the independent monitor in government suspension and debarment matters, our professionals help the businesses identify and correct the deficiencies that led to sanctions, and provide specific recommendations for strengthened internal controls and improved corporate ethical culture. More importantly, Affiliated Monitors serves as a bridge between the company and the government to help rebuild any lost credibility and trust. We work to ensure that improvements can be sustained, allowing businesses and government contractors to reestablish any public confidence that may have been diminished.
We help government contractors build the necessary corporate compliance structure and controls, including:
- FAR Code of Ethics and Business Conduct Requirements
- Mandatory and Voluntary Disclosure Requirements
- Procurement Integrity Act Compliance
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Compliance
- Export Control Compliance
- Bidding Regulations
- Requisitioning and Back-up Documentation
- Contract Analysis and Compliance
- Contract Modifications
- Third Party Due Diligence
- Cost Overrun Monitoring
- Integrity Compliance
- Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention and Detection
- False Claims Act Risks
- Pre-qualification Requirements
- Prevailing-wage Violations
- Federal and State Record keeping