I have worked with corporate settlement agreements with state and federal agencies, as well as health care licensure actions taken by state regulatory authorities. In the federal arena, I have monitored large utility providers on behalf of the Department of Justice and the Federal Communications Commission. I have also managed and worked on a number of settlement agreements between state Attorneys General offices and health care organizations. Other cases have involved government contractors facing violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Service Contract Act, and third-party due diligence standards. In conflict-of-interest matters, I have served as a third-party adjudicator for a global public-private partnership focusing on clinical research and development.
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Tim Shannon
Tim holds degrees from Roger Williams University and Suffolk University Law School.
Additionally, he is certified with the Healthcare Compliance Certificate Program (HCCP) through Seton Hall Law School, a Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP) from the SCCE, and Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) from the HCCA.
In which of AMI's service areas have you worked? What are some of your most interesting cases?
What aspect(s) of AMI's work are you personally most passionate about, and why?
I am most passionate about how our work keeps companies in business. I have worked on a number of cases with government contractors, health care organizations, hospitals, and various corporations, and I have seen first hand how our compliance monitoring has resulted in our clients meeting regulatory compliance standards. Our goal is to leave each company better than we found it. In the AMI monitorships I have worked on, our clients have not only met compliance standards but have achieved industry best practices.
In what ways does your personal expertise complement our services?
I believe having a legal education and nearly 7 years of compliance monitoring experience makes me a valuable member of the AMI team. While in law school I focused on health law, which has proven valuable for working on a number of our health care related monitorships. I have also completed the U.S. Healthcare Compliance Certificate Program (HCCP) through Seton Hall Law School and hold compliance certifications through the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics and the Health Care Compliance Association. Additionally, during my time at AMI, I have become familiar with a wide array of industries and the regulations that govern them. I believe having compliance certifications and a broad range of hands-on experience in corporate monitorships has made me a valuable team member.
“Our goal is to leave each company better than we found it. In the AMI monitorships I have worked on, our clients have not only met compliance standards but have achieved industry best practices.”
Based on your experiences, what would you like prospective clients to know about AMI?
I would like prospective clients to know that corporate monitorships should not be viewed negatively. While no company likes an outside party stepping in to evaluate and monitor its business, monitoring should be viewed as an opportunity to evaluate an organization’s strengths and weaknesses. If and when weaknesses are identified, a monitorship can be a productive way of proving to regulators that the company is taking meaningful steps toward improvement and compliance. AMI clients who have taken meeting their monitorship obligations seriously have successfully completed their monitorships and in some cases were able to end their monitorship obligations early.
What interests do you have outside of work?
I enjoy fishing, golfing, hiking with our dog, and spending time with my growing family.

Tim with his wife Maggie, son Finn, and dog Dublin.